304 S Main St
South Bend, Indiana 46601

The Historic Preservation Commission of South Bend & St. Joseph County and Indiana Landmarks is offering “Vintage Green” as one of the “Restore Michiana 2010 Series” events. Explore how the Green Movement and Historic Preservation are partners in many ways. Learn the concepts behind the statement: "The greenest building is the one already built" and how a renovation can embrace the Green Building movement. Examine the natural resources utilized to construct vintage buildings, energy invested to enable construction, the inherently Green aspects, and the waste associated with their demolition.

Todd Zieger, Director at Indiana Landmarks will present this dynamic lecture. With a degree in Historic Preservation from Roger Williams University, Certificate of Executive Management from the University of Notre Dame and a minor in business, Todd Zeiger has built upon his love of historic buildings with over twenty years of historic preservation experience, from museum management to building restoration and relocation. In his seventeenth year with Indiana Landmarks, he is the director of the Northern Regional Office providing a range of consultation and project development services to grass roots organizations, historic preservation commissions and private building owners. He believes that reuse through repurposing vintage buildings serves as the ultimate form of green living.

Location: WNIT Center for Public Media, 300 W. Jefferson, time tbd

Website: restoremichiana.com/vintage_green_lecture.html
Location Information
St. Joseph County Main Library lower level
South Bend, IN 46601
Contact Information
Elicia Dadlow
Email: edadlow@co.st-joseph.in.us
Phone: 574.235.9798

Added by voicesofthepast on August 11, 2010

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