A tale as old as time, this charming musical tells the story of the strong-willed and loveable favorite Belle. Longing to escape her everyday life, she finds her path takes a sudden turn when she arrives at the gate of a magical palace. Join The Beast, Gaston, Le Fou, Lumiere, and friends as they embark on a grand journey filled with adventure, cheer, and ultimately learning to love. With classic songs, 'Be Our Guest,' 'Something There' and 'Beauty and the Beast,' this will be a musical the whole family can share and enjoy.
Added by Upcoming Robot on November 13, 2008
Beauty and the Beast was great! I took my kids to the show last week and they adored it - we're going back a second time on Tuesday December 2nd. They just added this show and it has buckets of seats available. I got balcony seats this time because I was on the main floor with the kids.
I don't see the number, but it's 425-392-2202.