Whether you’re seeking to improve your ability to create great videos or a beginner who is just starting. This conference will give you the foundation you need to launch your next video production with confidence.
A variety of Courses will cover the fundamental techniques of shooting, micing, editing and lighting video. Specialty topics for those who are professional videographers or seeking to become one include: Wedding Videographey, On-Line Video Publishing, Hi-Definition Issues, and Producing Videos for Schools.
Specialty Topics:
Wedding Vidoegraphy:
Valuable wedding techniques from pre-ceremony prep to delivery of the finished tape.
Online Video Production:
How to make money on-line, shoot, edit, and compress for the small screen.
Shooting HD Video:
Learn some of the secrets to shooting in this Hi-def format from codecs to creative use of the widescreen 16:9 palette.
Videos for Schools:
Learn how to overcome the special challenges of shooting and editing a variety of school activities along with the legal restrictions to shooting on campus.
Basics of Video Production
Camcorder Techniques:
Learn button basics, shot composition, camera moves, and how to shoot for easier editing.
Microphones and Sound Recording:
Develop your skills in working with microphones, pickup patterns, frequency response, dynamics, and noise.
Editing Techniques:
Gain confidence in using editing systems, pacing, edit rhythms, dissolves, wipes, composting, layers, transitions, and titling to enhance your videos.
Lighting Techniques:
Don't let lighting issues get in the way of capturing the perfect scene. Learn about reflectors, diffusers, background lighting, defining shape, texture, umbrellas, gels, and color temperature.
Only $169 for an all day pass.
Official Website: http://www.events.videomaker.com/?utm_source=upcoming&utm_medium=general_post&utm_content=Announceall&utm_campaign=events