Videoblogging: Meet the vloggers
Apple Store SoHo
July 8th from 6:00 - 7:20 PMPresenter:
Steve Garfield hosts videobloggers from around the country including Jay Dedman, Ryanne Hodson, Clint Sharp, Joshua Kinberg, Bre Pettis, Josh Leo, Adam Quirk, Andrew Baron, Christopher Weagel, and Schlomo Rabinowitz.
Topics of discussion:
Videobloggers show their favorite videos and viewing tools, discuss video blog creation, and share tips and techniques.
Hear how you can create your own video blog for free!
Videoblogging is a new form of expression centering around posting videos to a website and encouraging an audience response. It is the next step from text blogging and podcasting.
A community of artists, video editors, podcasters, bloggers, and software developers has formed around this new mode of communication. We are a group of people who use videos as a normal part of our blogging.
Steve Garfield - Welcome
Jay Dedman - I love you all, What is videoblogging?
Josh Leo - Show and tell, showing videoblogs
Joshua Kinberg - Watching video: ANT, iTunes
Ryanne Hodson - How to create a video blog, point people in the right direction, ex: freevlog
Bre Pettis - Show and tell, showing videoblogs
Adam Quirk - Vlogging without video cameras
Andrew Baron - Rocketboom: why I think Rocketboom is sucessful in terms of its growth rate
Christopher Weagel - Videoblogging allowing a much wider variety of content than anything mainstream
Schlomo Rabinowitz - Show and tell, showing videoblogs
Clint Sharp - Links as currency
7:00-7:20 Open for questions, show and tell, audience participation, etc...
Store Address:
103 Prince Street
New York, NY 10012
(212) 226-3126
After Party:
After the presentations we are going to go out and have some food and drinks. So stop by, let's meet each other and have some vloggy fun!
Added by jkinberg on July 2, 2005