849 - 11th street
Santa Monica, California 90403


These deeply intimate meetings provide the rare opportunity to come together for inner exploration and going beyond the self. A brief meditation is followed by question and answer and self-discovery work. Satsang supports and promotes self-knowledge, transformation and true clarity. Seekers of all ages and stages come together as a community of support and sharing, forming a milieu conducive to truth and inner peace. Strangers quickly become friends in the loving atmosphere of Satsang, as we come to experience what lies ‘beyond the self’ in each one of us. Everyone is most welcome—the cost for the evening is by donation. The room will be open 30 minutes prior to the event. Please arrive on time, so that others are not disturbed during the meditation or discussion time.


THURSDAY, January 31, 2013 ~ 7:30pm - 9:00pm
849 - 11th St., Santa Monica, CA 90403

No registration required - By donation - All are welcome

The ongoing Satsangs in Los Angeles are held on the last Thursday of every month at 7:30pm. While Swami Premodaya is traveling, the majority of these Satsangs will be a recorded video or audio event (when possible we may try to do live streaming).

Local contact number: 818.200.7554

“The most powerful teachings available…
beyond anything I would have thought possible.”
~ Vivien Bonzo, Restaurant Owner

“…All your addictions can be dealt with ~
even the ones to suffering and to unlove.
And yes, even your addiction to selfishness."
~ Bodhisattva Shree Swami Premodaya

Official Website: http://www.premodaya.com

Added by Premodaya.com on November 5, 2012

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