There are 79 Billion YouTube Views every day.
Just as desktop publishing changed the face of printing, our ability to record and publish video and share it worldwide is reshaping the world of marketing. YouTube is the second biggest search engine in the world.
Whether you record client testimonials, screen-capture tutorials, or segments of your own presentations to help you get speaking gigs, you need to use this tool.
At September's BACN meeting, we're GIVING AWAY a Kodak Zi8 camera. Then Judy Baker will lead you through every step you need to take from opening the box to posting the video on your own web site, including
* How to look good on camera
* Getting good sound
* Lighting for video
* Creating a YouTube channel
* Embedding videos in blog posts and on web pages
About the Speaker
Judy Baker knows what to look for in front of the camera and behind the lens. She majored in Drama as an undergraduate at San Diego State University, with a minor in telecommunication. She incorporates her theater skills into workshops and training programs.
Judy renewed her love of film when she bought a Sony Handycam. She is using it weekly to record her own presentations, testimonials for her clients and to capture live performances. Watch her videos on YouTube at and read her marketing tips at
Judy Baker is the owner of Completely Creative (, a marketing communications and coaching firm based in Sonoma. You can contact her at 707 938 2586.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on August 29, 2010
Meet Judy in the intro video at