24 James Street, 2nd floor
St. Catharines, Ontario L2R 5B8

Opening Reception: Saturday, April 28, 2012

Interactive video installation using a computer, software, large monitors and a Kinect sensor. Two large monitors display an eye. As the viewer walks past the monitor, the eyes follow their motion. The screens “watch” the viewer, tracking their motions. In an adjacent area, a video loop plays of an extreme close up of an eye that blinks in slow motion. This aspect of the installation emphasizes the human element of surveillance—a blink—that implies an inherent failure compared to machine surveillance. The title comes from a 1967 Richard Brautigan poem, and suggests a loving, caring gaze that watches over humanity, as opposed to the current state of surveillance that is concerned with property crime and consumerism.
-Artist's Site

Added by Simon Cormier 1038 on March 13, 2012

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