279 Church Street
New York, New York 10013

Are you a video dork? Make a movie, bring it to the Tank and let your inner dork run free.

Amid the chatter of big breaks from success on YouTube, the launch last year of dozens of internet video sites, and the mainstreaming of short-filmmaking attempted by Fox's disastrous "On The Lot," there is less and less space in our screen-culture for the simple pleasures of public exhibition, let alone for good filmmaking. We here at The Tank think that's a crying shame, and we've decided to do something about it.

Video Dork is a monthly short film competition held at The Tank. That's right, a COMPETITION. Each month, there will be a WINNER, and there will be PRIZES. Competing filmmakers will bring DVDs or MiniDV tapes containing films of any genre of five minutes or less to the Tank. The first hour or so of material to arrive will be screened for the assembled masses. At the end of the screening hour, a brief intermission will allow time for all those in attendance to vote for the winner of the evening's prizes.

Prizes will consist of items and services of interest to those of us pulling together films with few resources. A spindle of DVDs; a box of MiniDV tapes; a free session with an experienced, industry music editor. Additionally, the winning film will enjoy a place of honor on the TankFilm website (www.thetanknyc.org/film), and will serve as the flagship of our Youtube channel. It will also be featured on the Tank: Film MySpace page at http://www.myspace.com/tankfilm and the Tank Website.

For further information on Video Dork, contact Mikey Palmer at videodork@thetanknyc.org.

$5 Suggested Donation

Official Website: http://www.thetanknyc.org/film/videodork

Added by The Tank on September 15, 2007

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