Babson Park
Babson Park, Massachusetts 02457

Join us for an art show with multiple artists and mediums on Babson College's campus (Glavin Chapel) on April 5th 2009. There will also be a silent auction, food and refreshments.

All event proceeds benefit Web of Benefit. Web of Benefit ( awards Self-Sufficiency Grants to survivors of domestic violence to promote the definition and realization of their individual goals and dreams while breaking the
inter-generational cycle of domestic violence. To date, it has given over 325 grants for education, computers, housing stabilization, job training, transportation and micro-financing.

Tickets will cost $29.50 ( ½ of monthly T Pass for Survivors to get to school, work, or job training.)
They can be purchases at the door, by calling 617-285-1900 or by emailing .

Participating Artists:
Frances Patton: Oil Painting
Meri Bond: Photography
John Harwood: Silver
Sue Ellen Harwood: Silver
Jane Parsons: Oil Painting and Prints
Karen Young: Photography
Babson Students: Various Mediums

Official Website: http://

Added by mmu2833 on February 10, 2009

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