NYC's well-known wacky musical comedy sister duo of Vickie and Nickie, played by real life sisters Lisa and Lori Brigantino, are returning to Don't Tell Mama for one night only to perform their new holiday show, 'Vickie & Nickie's Holiday Sleigh Ride!' - a celebration of the holiday season Minnesotan-style. sisters will take the audience on a zany journey as they share their rise to "fame", family stories and their own special take on the holidays and the world today. The multi-instrumental, singing suburban housewife sister duo from Minnesota is played by real life sisters, Lori and Lisa Brigantino, who intertwine pop and original songs with dialogue, improv and audience participation all while accompanying themselves on many different instruments including acoustic guitars, keyboard, accordion, saxophone, violin, ukuleles, percussion and more.
Added by Upcoming Robot on November 16, 2010