During the student protests Vice magazine cameramen were capturing the action, "Teenage Riot" is the outcome. A 30 minute film that gives viewers an inside look at what really happened.
This film sees an introduction to the ideas we will be spreading through one of our latest projects 'Off with Their Heads', keep an eye on our website for more details as this is announced.. www.islingtonmill.com
At the Islington Mill we are starting a regular film night on a Wednesday from 7pm and this will be the first. It is free to attend and the bar will be open so come along and enjoy.
N.B There will be another film shown alongside this and we are working on something equally as political - stay tuned!
Official Website: http://www.vbs.tv/en-gb/watch/rule-britannia/rule-britannia-teenage-riot-trailer
Added by Islington Mill on February 4, 2011