Tickets for this event available at:
and at various Indians stores in the Bay Area:
Raaga, Sunnyvale : 408 616 8864
Bharat Bazaar, Santa Clara : 408 247 4308
Deedee, Mountain View : 650 967 0568
New India Bazaar, Milpitas : 408 262 5300
Dana Bazaar, Fremont : 510 742 0555
Dandia is a millennia-old celebration of the victory of good over evil.
A nine-day celebration of music and dance, it is an occasion for the
community to get together, bond, celebrate & raise resources for the
betterment of children. Vibha has organized this highly energetic and
popular event with tremendous success for over 9 years.
All the proceeds of this event go towards providing education, health,
shelter, nourishment and a brighter future for children in India and the
US. We at VIBHA believe that children are the future of this world; for
the world to have a healthy future we need to make sure that every
child gains his or her right to health, education and opportunity.
For information about VIBHA visit
Added by Noopur on August 9, 2006