VFR-IFR Charting Seminars for Prescott and N. AZ pilots on February 20th and 21st. The seminars will take place Friday evening, February 20 and Saturday February 21 at the DLC Auditorium at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University.
Flyprescott.com and Arizona Pilots Association are planning a pilot safety seminar with Mr. Richard Neher of FAA Aeronautical Charing Division for several programs regarding VFR/IFR Charting and Mr. Bob Morris of SDL FSDO/FAAST Program is supporting this event. More info and location of event to follow shortly. For more info, Contact: flyprescott@yahoo.com
This event should be posted shortly on the FAA site:
Times and location to be provided shortly.
Official Website: http://www.flyprescott.com/clubcalendar
Added by FlyPrescott.com on January 6, 2009