2801 S University Avenue
Little Rock, Arkansas 72204

Phi Chi Sigma (the National Veteran's Fraternity on campus) invites everyone to the annual Veteran's Day flag-raising ceremony, where the chancellor and provost present new US and Arkansas flags to be flown during the upcoming year from the Physical Plant flagpole.

This year?s ceremony will feature comments from the current Phi Chi Sigma Alpha Chapter President, John Sparks. John is an Army combat veteran, and a member of, among other organizations, the Combat Veteran?s Motorcycle group. Members of this organization recently went to Louisiana to assist in the recovery efforts from hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Cadets from the Cabot High School ROTC class will man the colors for the ceremony this year.

Coffee and pastries will be served afterward in DSC meeting room D, courtesy of the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid and our Veteran's Affairs Coordinator, Mr. Curlee Robinson.

For questions, call John R. Hendon at (501) 569-3087 or email at jrhendon@ualr.edu .

The ceremony will be held at the Physical Plant flagpole.

Added by chota on November 8, 2005

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