345 Park Ave.
San Jose, California 95110

Very Specail Creative Suite 4 Meeting - It’s Going To Be Brilliant.
Be one of the first to see the next big thing from Adobe on September 24th. Join in to see and hear first hand how something very special will help you get to brilliant faster. Save the date and get a good look at what’s to come.

The Big Swag Giveaway
We'll be giving away not only special swag for the "It's going to be brilliant" meeting, but we'll also be giving away some of the swag stockpiled in Tom's garage. If you love swag (and really, who doesn't?) you'll want to be at the meeting.

Exciting news for Silicon Valley Flex User Group (http://www.silvafug)
We don't have details nailed down yet, but we'll be talking about how Silvafug is going to better support our members in the South Bay. Be at the meeting to hear this information first hand!

RSVP for the meeting at fugrsvp@gmail.com

Pizza and drinks will be provided by Esria (http://www.esria.com), the offical "Food and Drink Gods" of Silvafug.

Official Website: http://silvafug.org

Added by lord_bron on September 17, 2008