444 Jessie St.
San Francisco, California

blasthaus and Massive Selector presents Verve Remixed2 Tour featuring Mr. Scruff and DJ Spinna Surely one of the most anticipated albums of the year, Verve Remixed2 is an essential purchase. To celebrate, the label has put together an incredible tour featuring artists on the label who will provide their own interpretation of the "Verve Hi-Fi." Featuring two of the most talented DJs in the business, the party celebrates what looks to be the compilation of the year for electronic music. Grab a copy, take it all in, and you'll see why!

$15 advanced and check here for more info (such as how to buy): Blasthaus.

Added by TurkeyBot on September 25, 2003



I can't find any homepage for the remixed2 tour, and ticketmaster has never heard of it. Anyone know if they are sweeping up through the Pacific Northwest after SF?


Mr. Scruff and DJ Spinna will be coming down the next day @ the Transistor Lounge (LA), but I couldn't find any reference to anything else (details 'coming soon': http://www.vervemusicgroup.com/buzz.aspx?bid=32)


Hey all, I have one purchased ticket and one FREE ticket for this gig tonight!!! If anyone wants to go in on that and get in for cheap! Let me know ASAP! email: tryturkey@yahoo.com --Jesse


My extra tix are gone! But see y'all there!