Event Date - The Vero 90th Anniversary Bash is scheduled for Oct 16, 2009. Mark your calendars. Although Vero was 90 in June the celebration was moved to October so more people could attend.
On A Friday Night - This is a Friday evening event and will start at 5:30. Miscellaneous entertainment is scheduled thru 8:30 at various locations throughout the festive grounds. A large anniversary cake (donated by Publixs) will be served. Commemorative items (give a ways) will be handed out, as well. These give a ways may be coffee cups, koozies, key chains, or pens. You just never know until the show. So don’t miss it.
Location - The event location is basically downtown Vero. This will include Pocahontas Park, the old courthouse, the old train station, the Heritage Center, the water fountain, the shuffleboard courts and the new Indian River Chamber of Commerce building.
Entertainment – A main stage will be set up which will be used for announcements. Some of the founding families will be on hand and a few will speak about the beginning of Vero, followed by a few bands (Barber Shop Quartet, Old Barber Bridge, Dave Letz). Other entertainment will be dispersed throughout the park, as well. Renee LaRosa will do face painting for the kids.
Food - About 9 vendors (Chick-Fil-A, Paul’s Pork Pit, Milligan’s Grille, Little Jimmy’s Italian Ice) will be serving food and beverages. A beer/ wine kiosk will also be set up along 14th avenue next to the park.
Booths - Space is available for 30 booths for those interested in sharing old Vero nostalgia from around town. I stated the Vero Beach Power Squadron would like a booth to promote Safe Boating Education. I also mentioned we had VBPS scrapbooks with pictures from 1956 which we could display; after all we are part of Vero’s history.
Volunteers – They are looking for lots of volunteers to held before and after the event, for general all around cleanup and more. See Tammy for more detail.
Sponsors – They are looking to local businesses to help defray costs associated with the Vero Beach 90th Anniversary Bash. If you would like to pitch in see Tammy. To date there are 5 sponsors who have committed $500 each. All sponsors will be recognized in the Press Journal.
Logo - Maria is working with some local talent to get the event logo designed. It is in the process but no samples to share as of the meeting.
Posters – Some of the local artists have been approached and a few are working on event posters. The poster size is 18” by 24”. The deadline for submittal is July 31, 2009.
Vintage cars – There will be some vintage cars parked along the street in front of the old courthouse. Art Neuberger is heading up that activity.
Boats – Well…maybe! I was thinking we have a member who has an old replica of the African Queen. If he is in town you might get to see it at the event. This is Bob’s idea and the team knows nothing about it. The same is true of the boat owner.
Train Station – It will be open for tours.
Heritage Center – The idea is to have a movie/ slideshow running in the building showing the “History of Vero”. Dan Thomas is working with Neuberger to make this happen. All the display tables will be set up in the Heritage Center.
Added by scullybobg on June 28, 2009