Take Action! Join Common Good Vermont and its allies on February 11th from 8 - 3 p.m. at the Vermont Statehouse as we build a case for the vital work of Vermont's independent sector. Be sure to RSVP here: http://www.cctv.org/news/vermont-nonprofit-legislative-day-slated-211-statehouse
# Preliminary Schedule:
# Arrive at 8 a.m. - Register in Room 11 (Registration)
# 8.30 am - Meet and Greet Candidates for Governor
# 9 a.m. - Visit House and Senate Chambers/ Meet with Legislators
# 9.30 a.m. (or 1pm) - Vermont Legislative Resolution on Vermont Nonprofit Contribution to the State (Co-sponsored by Rep. Sarah Edwards and Senator Bill Doyle)
# 10.15 - 11.15 a.m. - Workshop: Making the Legislative Process Work: An Insider's View
# 12 - 1 p.m. - The Future of Vermont's Nonprofit Sector (working title) -
* Introduced by Speaker Shap Smith (Invited)
Moderated by Bill Schubart with Panelists:
* Stuart Comstock-Gay, President,Vermont Community Foundation,
* Tim Shea, Vice President, Lake Champlain Chamber of Commerce
* Senator Susan Bartlett/D - Lamoille, Chair Senate Appropriations Committee
* Rep. Ann Pugh/D South Burlington
Official Website: http://www.cctv.org/news/vermont-nonprofit-legislative-day-slated-211-statehouse
Added by Common Good Vermont on January 6, 2010