48 Lake Morey Rd
Fairlee, Vermont 05045

The 5th annual Vermont Foodbank Hunger Conference will be held on Tuesday, May 3rd at the Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, Vermont. Please save the date.

Over the past five years, the Vermont Foodbank’s annual Hunger Conference has become one of New England’s best resources for education and insight regarding the charitable food system and the issue of hunger.

The conference is a valuable opportunity for community leaders, volunteers, advocates, elected officials, concerned citizens and those working in the charitable food system to gather together to share their knowledge and experience. It is also an occasion for participants to learn from carefully chosen experts on the causes and effects of hunger and how we can best work together to address the problems we face in our communities.

This year’s conference will focus on looking proactively at the issue of hunger and applying a systems approach as we face a changing economy and a changing charitable food industry. We will be joined by several noteworthy presenters from around the country.

Please join us for what we hope will be a thought-provoking and inspiring conference.

Official Website: http://www.vtfoodbank.org/ForNetworkPartners/FoodbankHungerConference.aspx

Added by Vermont Foodbank on March 16, 2011