9125 us 19 N
Pinellas Park, FL, Florida 33782

Venue Ensemble Theatre (VET) will present
A Bench in the Sun by Ron Clark, March 6-16, 2008
at Venue Theatre, 9125 US 19 N, Pinellas Park, FL.
When a once famous actress moves into the
retirement home, two long time friends compete
for her attention. Think the Odd Couple +
Sunshine Boys + Grumpy Old Men -“Very wise,
very moving, and most of all, very funny!” Mel Brooks.
A Bench in the Sun is directed by Mary Kay Cyrus
and stars Ginger King, Walter Raine, and Rob Sakoff.

Evening Performances are Fridays and Saturdays,
March 6,7,8,13,14,and 15 at 8:00 p.m.
Sunday Matinees on March 9 and 16 at 2:30 p.m.
Tickets are $15 for adults and $12 for Seniors/Students.

Seating is limited. For reservations call 727-822-6194
Email VenueActorStudio@gmail.com,
or visit the website at www.VenueActorStudio.org

Venue Theatre and Actors Studio is located in the
new Broyhill Plaza at 9125 US 19 N, two lights north
of Gandy/Park Blvd., Pinellas Park

Venue Theatre Collective, Inc, is a Not-For-Profit
501(C)(3) Corporation

Official Website: http://www.venueactorstudio.org

Added by mkcyrus on January 9, 2008

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