111 North Harvin Street
Sumter, South Carolina 29150




Vendor Space is still available for this amazing seminar on September 25, 2008 from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm.

Vendor registration includes:

Evangelist Elizabeth Felder
P.O. Box 3342, Sumter, SC 29151
(803) 883-5334

Email: ElizabethFelder@live.com
Web: www.ElizabethFelder.com

After submission of payment you will receive an email with the vendor Registration form within 24 hours which must be signed and mailed back to our office at the above address.

One (1) 6-foot table with 2 chairs
You may also include information and product samples in our gift bags free of charge (subject to approval)
5 Minutes Presentation to Participants
Cost: $25.00 per table

Special Offer

Bring 3 people and your registration will be refunded back at the end of the event

Please call 803-883-5334 for more information
(You will be given 3 special coded tickets which your guest must
present upon arrival in order for your account to be credited.)

Vendor space is limited and reserved on a
first-come, first-served basis.
Set up begins at 5:30 a.m. and breakdown ends at 8:00 p.m.
For more information and
registration materials please contact:

Official Website: http://vendorapplication.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite leev events on September 25, 2008