1000 Marsh Road
Menlo Park, California 94025

VC Task Force presents:

VCTF Breakfast Workshop - Controlling Company Valuation

Wed, Mar 9, 8:00am-11:00am, Menlo Park

MORE INFO: http://www.VCTaskForce.com

What factors affect your company's valuation? Knowing how to value your company - and how to know your company is being valued properly - can make the difference in your success. Listen to leaders in the venture capital industry discuss how to value your company at every stage.

Learn answers to questions like:
* What can I do to improve or change the valuation of my company?
* Are revenues more important than profits?
* What are the most important valuation factors for my industry?
* How does competition affect valuation?
* My competitor just raised $10 million. Does that help or hurt my valuation?
* I've gotten drastically different valuations from different VCs. What does that mean?
* If I'm not getting the valuation I want, should I wait and go back to VCs later?

Geoff Leonard, Partner, Orrick

Shinya Akamina, co-founder and Chairman, Postini, Inc.
Peter Chung, Executive Director, Morgan Stanley Venture Partners
John Heath, Executive Vice President/Financial Advisory Services, The Brenner Group
Bill Reichert, Managing Director, Garage Technology Ventures
Kip Sheeline, Managing Director, Levensohn Venture Partners

7:30 - 8:00 Registration and Networking
8:00 - 11:00 Presentation and Discussion
Continental breakfast and materials included

For more information about our organization and about out programs please visit our website:

The introductory Membership rate of $79 is coming to an end

VC Task Force offers three types of memberships:
Investor, Executive and Service Provider

To become a member please visit our website: http://www.VCTaskForce.com/

Wednesday, March 9

1000 Marsh Road
Menlo Park, CA, 94025

VC Task Force Members $99; Affiliates $129 [belongs to another VC organization]; General- $149.

Website: http://www.VCTaskForce.com
Email: rj@vctaskforce.com
Phone: 650-968-1304

About VC Task Force:
Our mission is to support the venture capital community with programs that address the immediate issues, concerns and challenges of venture capital firms and portfolio companies.

Added by nancytubbs on February 28, 2005

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