Yangsi Rinpoche
At Dharma Friendship Foundation May, 2008
Vast Heart of Wisdom: Buddhist Teachings on Altruism
Sunday May 4, 2008 at 10:00AM to 4:00PM
POTLUCK AT NOON: Bring a dish to share and enjoy the company of the DFF community
Yangsi Rinpoche continue teaching "The 37 Practices of Bodhisattvas", a text by Gyalsay Togme Sangpo (1295-1369). In 37 short verses, the root text gives the essential practices leading to enlightenment. Join us as Yangsi Rinpoche gives commentary on these practices. These teachings are suitable for beginners.
Rinpoche trained in the traditional monastic system for over twenty-five years. In 1995 he graduated with the highest degree of Geshe Lharampa from Sera Je Monastery in South India. In 1998, having the particular wish to benefit Western students of the Buddhadharma, Rinpoche came to the West to teach and has traveled extensively throughout America and Europe.
DFF is a leader in supporting the dissemination of authentic Buddhist teachings since 1985. Our center in Magnolia continues to provide the Greater Seattle area with a precious and rare opportunity to participate in a spiritual community committed to nurturing ideals of wisdom and compassion in our lives both individually and globally. Our spiritual director is Yangsi Rinpoche.
To register and for questions: www.dharmafriendship.org
Suggested donation: $30. No one turned away for lack of funds
Official Website: http://www.dharmafriendship.org
Added by Juraedharmafriendship33 on April 28, 2008