Join the League of Kickass Business People for a stylish, thought-provoking evening with Vancouver’s leading business trendspotters, tastemakers and opinion leaders.
We’ll ignite conversation and networking with a panel discussion on what’s hot and what’s next in design, branding, style and media. Plus, we’ll supply appetizers and beverages.
We’re counting on you for heated debate and sizzling conversation as you exchange ideas and build relationships with heavy hitters in Vancouver’s business community.
Plus, tweet your questions, trends and observations on our live Twitter wall before, during and after the presentation - #lokbp!
Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Location: Cossette, 5th floor, 1085 Homer Street, Vancouver
Networking: 6:00pm to 6:45pm
Introduction: 6:45 pm to 7:00pm
Panel Presentation: 7:00pm to 8:15pm
Apres party: 8:15 pm onwards
Kirk Lapointe
Managing Editor of The Vancouver Sun, Adjunct Professor at University of British Columbia and author of the
Ginger Grant, PhD
Digital storyteller and creative business consultant. Author of Re-Visioning the Way We Work and Branding: From The Inside Out.
Eric Karjaluoto
Creative Director and Principal at smashLAB, Founder of MakeFive and design/brand/experience blogger at
Paul Melo
Designer, photographer, style-spotter and founder of and meloCreative.
Angele Beausoleil
Associate VP Strategy and Client Service at Fjord Interactive, former CEO of ITP Entertainment, interactive media marketer, inventor and Renaissance woman.
Added by bootup on September 4, 2009