**To confirm your spot for this event you must contact us directly by phone at 1-800-239-0542, via email: info@meetmarketadventures.com or sign up through http://www.meetmarketadventures.com/events/do,display-event/4594/Vancouver-Singles-Night-At-The-Firing-Range.html RSVPing as yes on this site will NOT ensure you space at this event.**
Join Meet Market Adventures and other Adventurous Singles for an exciting and interactive evening of target shooting. Since safety is the top concern, our first hour will be spent in the classroom with trained professionals who will discuss and demonstrate safety elements such as proper handling of guns, ammunition, target firing rules, stance, left or right eye dominance and more. Then we’ll don eye and ear protection and head to the covered range to try our hand at shooting various types of firearms, which may include:
* 22 caliber semi-automatic pistol
* 9mm semi automatic pistol
* 38-caliber revolver
* 357 revolver
* 40-caliber 'Police' semi automatic
* Glock .40 caliber 'Performance' semi auto
* Police Pistol Combat revolver
* 45 Colt Cowboy Action revolver
This is an exclusive package designed specifically for MMA, so come out and satisfy your curiosity in a safe, controlled environment while making a few new friends in the process!
* Price includes: Fully certified instructors, eye and ear protection, handguns, club access, targets, ammunition and taxes.
Details are subject to change without notice.
"Where Singles & Adventure Meet"
Official Website: http://www.meetmarketadventures.com/events/do,display-event/4594/Vancouver-Singles-Night-At-The-Firing-Range.html
Added by mmasinglesvan on October 13, 2008