Join Meet Market Adventures and other Adventurous Singles for an exciting and interactive day of target shooting.
Our trained professionals at DVC Ventures will discuss and demonstrate safety elements such as proper handling of guns, ammunition, target firing rules, stance, left or right eye dominance and more. Then we’ll don eye and ear protection and head to the range. DVC Ventures Inc. is the first heated indoor shooting range in BC that is open to the public with 13 individual shooting lanes that are 17 yards long and motorized target return systems.
This adventure is designed for those that have never fired a handgun before, those that are new to handgun shooting and have never received professional instruction, and those students that are interested in firing a variety of handgun actions to aid them in the process of selecting the “right” handgun.
Details are subject to change without notice.
To reserve your spot please contact us:
Added by Subnero on July 5, 2010