San Jose
San Jose, California 95121

Title: # 624 Value Stream Mapping
Date of Class: October 30, 2008
Cost: Non ASQ Member, employed: $220
Member, employed: $175
Non Member, Unemployed: $80
Member, Unemployed: $70
Time: 8am to 12pm, 1pm to 5pm
Instructor: Paul Jahanian (
Location: TBD (Registered students will be given directions to the classroom, usually two to three days before the class.
Class #624 Value Stream Mapping
This class is designed for managers, supervisors, and leads who want to improve the efficiency of their operations. By learning how to create Value Stream Maps, you will be able to, in clear visual form, record specifics about an operation. By gaining the skill of Value Stream Mapping, you will then be able to identify wastes in the system, and create an optimal future Value Stream Map with streamlined changes. Implementation of changes based on accurate Value Stream Mapping and effective waste management can double productivity in a very short time. During this 1-day workshop participants will learn how to:
create Value Stream Mapping (VSM) symbols/icons and tools
draw Current Value Stream Maps to include flow of resources, material, and information
analyze Value Stream Maps with Lean principles
use Lean methodology to detect Value and Waste
detect value-added functions
detect non-value-added functions
calculate value-added ratios and resources
use Lean strategies to improve quality, delivery, and workplace communication
reduce costs, lead-time, scrap, returns, over-production, and rework
create future/Lean Value Stream Maps, from receiving material to shipping products
bring the present Value Stream Map to the future state
optimize flow by applying Lean principles
set up Kaizen events for target improvement areas
close the gap
(Pre-requisite: Course #608- Lean Manufacturing Overview)
Instructor: Paul Jahanian
Please note new registration instructions:
q You can register via FAX. We do not accept e-mail registrations for security reasons.
q If you are paying by credit card, to register for a course, FAX your credit card number and expiration date, and your contact information including full name, company, company address, home address, e-mail address, and phone numbers (home, cell, and work) to the Class Coordinator, Jim Bischof at FAX # 1-408-362-9083. Use the attached registration form at the end of this flyer to register by FAX.
q If you are paying by check, make out your check to ASQ, and mail it (and the attached registration form) by regular mail to Jim Bischof, 5666 Keymar Drive, San Jose, CA 95123.
q Mr. Bischof will provide you with confirmation that you are registered. If you do not receive confirmation within 3 days, call Jim Bischof 408-972-8852 or Cell: 408-806-5139.
q Purchase orders are not accepted.
q Provide your name as you want it printed on your certificate.
For any questions about the new registration process, please contact Jim Bischof at
408-972-8852 or Cell: 408-806-5139.
There are only a limited number of positions open for this class. If you or any of your colleagues are interested in this class, please register with Jim Bischof as described above. You are encouraged to register early for this class. Some classes are canceled because of low early enrollment, and other classes are over subscribed, so some students have to be turned away.
Biomedical Class
Course Registration Form
(Please use one registration form for each class you register for. FAX this completed form to 1-408-362-9083. The class coordinator will provide you confirmation that you are registered.)
Class Title: _____________________________________________________________
Class #: _____________ Today’s Date ___________________
Class Date: ____________________
Price: ____________________________
Member Number: ___________________
NAME ___________________________________________________
(Print your name like you want it on your certificate)
HOME ADDRESS_________________________________________________
CITY _________________________ ZIP _________________
COMPANY _______________________________________________________
COMPANY ADDRESS_________________________________________________
PHONE (H) ____________________ (B) _____________________________
E-MAIL _________________________Cell: __________________
How did you find out about this class? ___Friend ___Boss ___The Gate ___ASQ Silicon Valley Section Web Page
___e-mail from Jim Bischof Other (Specify) _________________________________________________________
Unemployed ____
Method of Payment (Circle one)
(1) Check ( ) (Make checks payable to ASQ )
(2) Credit Card: ( ) Card # ____________________________________
Expiration Date (mm/yy) ______________ Name as it appears on your credit
Circle Credit Card Type: VISA Mastercard American Express (These are the only 3 credit cards accepted

Official Website:

Added by robpower on August 26, 2008

Interested 1