Given today's challenging economic climate, many consultants are curious about how to craft a win-win retainer agreement with clients.
Contrary to a legal retainer-which is basically a savings account you draw against-a value-based retainer allows you to offer clients access to your skills and experience in return for a fixed monthly fee. Value-based retainers are a smart way to go, because they allow you to grow your business and serve more clients without increasing your labor intensity.
Key Takeaways
In just one hour with well-known Bay Area consultant Linda Popky, you will learn:
*What value-based pricing is
*How value-based retainers work
*When to propose a project-based fee instead of a retainer
*How to structure a value-based retainer agreement
About the Presenter
Linda Popky is president of Leverage2Market Associates, a strategic marketing company that transforms organizations through powerful marketing performance. Inducted into the Million Dollar Consultant(R) Hall of Fame, Linda is past president of WIC, a member of the Society for the Advancement of Consulting and of Watermark, an organization for exceptional women in business. She has taught marketing courses at San Francisco State University's College of Extended Learning and the University of California Santa Cruz Silicon Valley Extension.
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Added by FullCalendar on March 9, 2013