12/13, 12/20, 12/21 at 2:00 PM; 12/13, 12/19, 12/20 at 7:00 PM
"There are many other productions called The Nutcracker in the Bay Area each holiday season, but several important features set ours apart," says Valley Dance Theatre founder and director Betsy Hausberg. "First, ours is one of very few full-length productions that portray the complete Tchaikovsky masterpiece with all the magical splendor of its music.
"Secondly, all public performances are accompanied live by the Livermore-Amador Symphony pit orchestra. The production also features carols by the Harmony Fusion Chorus and the Valley Concert Chorale prior to the show and during the "snow" scene, making for an especially dynamic and memorable experience.
"Thirdly, our costumes are all originals created for Valley Dance Theatre. We are the only ballet company that has its own in-house designs," explains Hausburg, who donates her professional costume design and construction experience to the company. "We create the designs and do our own construction and fittings with the help of volunteers. Most ballet companies outsource costume making, but we do it all ourselves."
Valley Dance Theatre's production of The Nutcracker ballet requires more than 200 costumes for 50 dancers ranging in age from five years old to adult. Designing and fitting costumes for so many different sizes requires creative flexibility and perfected construction skills so that costumes hold up against the demands of the dancers, yet exhibit the beauty and elegance that is expected of a professional ballet.
"We take no shortcuts in our designs," concludes Hausburg. "Our costumes are very elaborate because we use only high quality materials with strict attention to detail. We've always run the ballet company as if it were nothing other than professional, and so our costumes reflect that philosophy."
All seats to The Nutcracker are reserved. Tickets are $31, $26 and $23 for adults and $17 for students 17 years and younger. Tickets may be purchased by phone, on line or in person at the box office Tuesday-Saturday from 12 noon-6:00 p.m.
Official Website: http://www.bankheadtheater.org
Added by FullCalendar on November 20, 2008