3214 W. 10th Ave @ Trutch St
Vancouver, British Columbia V6K 2l2

Vancouver Valentines Meet 'N Greet! Find Romance, have Fun!

Join romantic singles for a Meet 'N Greet speed dating event ... the preferred dating choice for many busy Vancouver singles! Meet 'N Greets are Vancouver's oldest and most popular speed dating events ~ meet lots of singles and have fun!

The Valentines Romance Meet 'N Greet event will have two age groups participating, 35-41 and 42-49 on Saturday, February 10th. Meet up to 25 dates (see past events information on-site) or more, and have Fun too!

Start the New Year with Romance! Meet a sweetie (or two! ;) at the romantic Valentines Meet 'N Greet event and celebrate again romantically on the 14th!

Ladies, almost sold out
Gents, a few tix available

Pre-registration is required for Meet 'N Greets. For
more information on past events and sign-up:

"British Columbia's oldest community site"

Meet 'N Greet
Find romance, have fun!

Official Website: http://www.VisitVancouver.bc.ca

Added by MeetNGreet on January 31, 2007

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