484 Broome St
New York, New York

t's Valentine's Day the best reason to celebrate and savor the sinful pleasures of chocolates on a walking tour. We've picked 4 excellent master chocolate makers in SoHo and the East Village to visit and they're all close by. Purchase of chocolates additional.

We'll meet at MarieBelle, top-quality chocolates are only exceeded by their beautiful silk-screen designs. Next is Kee's, one of the highest-rated chocolate shops according to Zagat, adding new intense Asian flavors.

Third on our tour is Vosages, exceptional French chocolate truffles, often leading to lines out the door. And our last chocolatier is a surprise in the East Village, because this store is on a street with no sign, and the store has no sign either. Her specialty is a pretzel-covered chocolate shell encasing silky, creamy, sea-salted caramel.

To help support the good work of Food Bank For New York City, a non-profit helping to feed the hungry, we ask for a $5.00 donation per person. 100% of all donations go to charity.

Since December 2008 your donations have helped feed 50 New Yorkers for a month. We wish to thank all who generously gave.

If you'd like to donate online, please go to PayPal at; http://www.paypal.com.... and send your contribution to; sales@walkingtoursmanh...

Meet our tour guide with the red ball cap saying Walking Tours Manhattan on Sunday February 14, 2010 at 11am at; MarieBelle 484 Broome Street, (bet. West Broadway & Wooster) Tour lasts 1 1/2 hours. Walking distance is 1 mile.

For additional tours visit; http://walkingtoursmanhattan.com

Official Website: http://walkingtoursmanhattan.com

Added by bruciebruce2 on January 26, 2010