Valentine Day is one event that couples look forward to celebrating. With this
in mind, Global Wedding Planners is producing an evening entiled Just in Time for Valentine A Reminder of Love Shared, schedule for Saturday February 14th, at Emerald Palm, Mango Drive, Porters, St. James, from 6:00 p.m to 12:00midnight.
Couples will have the opportunity to renew their wedding vows for 2009, together at the same location. The evening activities will consist of dinner, champagne, ceremony and a red rose for each lady; this promises to be an evening with a difference with performance by Entertainer Rudi Boyce whose hit includes Red Red Wine.
Box Office: Martindale's Norman Centre, Bridgetown - (246) 436-1049
Martindale's Sheraton Mall, Sargeant Village, Christ Church - (246) 435-0232
For Ticket delivery contact: (246) 270-0947(246) 249-7268
Organized by Global Wedding PlannersGlobal Wedding Planners is situated in the beauty Island of Barbados, considered by to be paradise.
We work with our clients from conception to completion, making sure your event by pass your expectations.
You can reach us at Tel:(246) 270-0947 Cell: (246) 249-7268 E-mail:
Ticket Info: - Valentine Event - A reminder of love shared BDS$300.00 advance ticket $275.00 Per Couple, $153.75
- Valenting Event - A reminder of love shared BDS$170.00 advance ticket $140.00 Per Person, $87.12
- Corporate table available for groups of ten BDS$1,400.00 advance booking BDS$1,200.00, $709.95
Official Website: http://globalweddingplanners-upcoming.eventbrite.com