A Playful evening with Shakti Iva,
Friday, December 9th, 7:30 - 9:30 pm
Circle Center, 17 Bolinas Road, Fairfax 94930
Vajrayogini (the female Buddha) practice has been considered one of the
most sacred yogas of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism
(though it actually may have originated in India).
It is a practice of cultivating our shakti (female/sexual)
energy for healing, replenishment, rejuvenation,
and on the larger scale, for healing our planet, Mother Earth.
That powerful wellspring of sexual energy lies within each of us.
This gentle, flowing, almost dance-like practice could be described as
a merging of Hatha Yoga and Tai-chi,
where through breath, movement, bandha, and visualisation one tunes
into the subtle energy flow.
We are going to explore this sweet, sensual yoga in the playful context
of Ipsalu Tantra.
Both genders welcome, no yoga experience necessary.
Wear loose clothing, allow some time and space after eating
Suggested donation: $12-25
Shakti Iva have studied Tantric Kriya Yoga with Bodhi Avinasha and
Sunyata Saraswati (authors of Jewel in the Lotus, The Ipsalu Formula).
She is a certified Ipsalu Tantra teacher with Tantrika International,
certified Yoga teacher, snake priestess and tantric doula. Recognizing
sexual energy as a portal to the Divine she's been commited to opening
doors to expanding consciousness and transformation for others.
For more info about Ipsalu Tantra please visit
Shakti 415 305 9832
Added by Waihili on December 5, 2005