1214 Queen Street West
Toronto, Ontario

tomas jirku vs. naw - vancouver / onitor / traum - noise factory / vague terrain
live-dj / the killer vs. task / new kanada / cynosure / killer - foundation music / wabi
dj / ether.mann - vague terrain
video / serial consign

art bar.gladstone hotel
$5 / 9pm - 3am

On Friday Dec. 30th vague terrain is back at the Gladstone with another night of world-class techno with a special pre-new year?s event with a pair of top-notch collaborations. Vancouver's Tomas Jirku will be playing alongside long time collaborator and vague terrain resident naw to deliver a joint live performance. In keeping with this spirit of collaboration we will also be featuring a live/DJ collaboration between Terra residents "the killer" and DJ Task. Vague Terrain resident ether.mann will be opening the night up with a DJ set and retinal stimulation will be provided by serial consign. Extensive artist information and downloable MP3's are available at http://www.vagueterrain.net/content/events.html

Added by smith on December 1, 2005

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