169 N Main St
Groveton, Texas 75845

The Groveton Church of Christ on HWY 94 will host Vacation Bible School July 12-16, 2010 from 6pm-8pm each evening. We will have classes for all ages (including teens and adults), singing, crafts, and refreshments. This year’s theme is Rise and Shine for Jesus. We will learn to do this by being thankful, by caring and sharing, by being honest, by being a peacemaker, and by overcoming temptation. Everything is free and everyone is invited! For more information, contact Bro. Rodney Langley at 936-642-2382 or 936-222-6371.

Added by langleyrodney on May 25, 2010



This will be a lot of fun and very uplifting-- for all ages. Please come!