Coventry University Technology Park, Cheetah Road
Coventry, England CV1 2TL

This one-day event and workshop has been developed by the Virtual Policy Network in conjunction with Coventry University’s Serious Games Institute. The event is aimed at those interested in how government should operate in a post Web2.0 world. Virtual worlds such as Second Life, Habbo Hotel and World of Warcraft pose opportunities and challenges for governments, mirror worlds and augmented realty add even more dimensions to the choices of engagement that government faces in the emerging future. Does v-Government offer new and exciting way to provide government services, engage citizens, innovate policy making, and foster e-democracy or is it yet another distraction from the true business of government.


Leigh Jackson - Deputy Director (Business Engagement), Communications & Content Industries Unit, Department of Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform (BERR)
Nick Jones - Direct Interactive Services, COI Communications
Sara de Freitas - Director of Research, Serious Games Institute
Ren Reynolds - Founder, the Virtual Policy Network
Vin Sumner - MD, Clicks and Links
Andy Williamson - Director eDemocracy Programme, Hansard Society

The cost of the event is £25, sign up via the SGI page below.

Official Website:

Added by RenZephyr on June 17, 2008

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