Uzizi is an alternative rock band with a 12-member choir. Directed by Craig Matis, Uzizi has performed in North America and abroad in several permutations since 1980's. The current crop of compositions is strongly influenced by the melodies and harmonies of mid-19th century Sacred Harp music. Also known as 'shape-note singing', Sacred Harp is a living tradition whose music can be directly traced to the 'country parish music' of early 18th century England.
Craig's affection for this unique musical style allows him to bend the pioneer religious aesthetic to his own purposes. At turns religous, anti-religious, and non-religious, the threads of continuity are the joy of singing, the power of primitive harmonic forces and beautiful poetry. Besides the choir, Uzizi is a 5-piece ensemble; fiddler, lead vocals/guitar, lead guitar, bass and drums. Uzizi's newest CD, "Loss and Wonder", features 12 new songs which are performed on the current tour.
Official Website:
Added by The Winchester on November 9, 2009