Jubilee Hills,
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh



‘Utkarsh’ simply means awakening. This is an invitation to all those who are willing to awaken & take an active role in their well-being by creating a transformational change of positivity, peace and harmony around and within.

Take full charge of your life!

A series of classes that will cover the concept of wellness across the four levels of our existence, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, so as to find balance, wholeness and fulfilment in our lives.

The ‘Human Being’ is like the captain or the coach of a fabulous team that the universe has given us, (body/mind/heart/spirit/soul) in order to play this amazing game called the ‘game of life.’ Through the sessions we are introduced to each of the team members and we learn more about their nature, habits and techniques to coach them to act as an integrated whole.

The participants will:-

*Gain a deeper understanding of each of the levels of existence (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual)

*Will be introduced to certain guidelines which will indicate their state of wellness for each level

*Techniques will be imparted to develop, heal and integrate any imbalances at each of these levels.These will include:-

*Relaxation techniques
*Chakra exercises and energy work
*Guided imagery techniques to handle all aspects of life
*Creative visualization techniques
*Techniques to understand and manage emotions
*Pain management techniques
*Techniques to heal relationships
…..and many more

Sessions : Every Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9.00 AM to 11.00 AM (for 4 weeks) Total 8 sessions ( August 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 24 & 27)

Venue: “Shwaas”- Centre for Inspired Learning,
Plot No.356, Road No.80, Jubilee Hills (Phase III)

Investment: Rs. 3600/- for 8 sessions

Registrations: Contact Salil @ 9440500277 or write to shwaas.in@gmail.com

Added by Shwaas on July 27, 2009

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