800 West Campbell Road
Richardson, Texas 75080

The University of Texas at Dallas
School of Arts & Humanities

Due to construction, the box office from Monday-Friday (2-5 pm) will be
temporarily moved to the Visual Arts Building (AS 1.106) until further

10th Anniversary of the Center for US Mexico Studies

Concert featuring Anna Cervantes & Los Tiempos Pasados

March 25, 8:00 PM

$15 admission, $5 for UTD faculty/staff with valid ID,

Free to UTD students with valid ID at door

Conference Center

As part of the UTD's Center for U.S Mexico Studies' 10th anniversary
celebration, the center and the School of Art and Humanities will
sponsor a concert featuring pianist Ana Cervantes and the eclectic
medieval group Los Tiempos Pasados.

Cervantes has been hailed as a "physical, emotional pianist...with an
extraordinary touch" (Newark-Star Ledger). For this concert, Cervantes
will perform the Texas premieres of a variety of works for piano from
Mexican composers such as Federico Ibarra, Ramón Montes de Oca, and
Manuel Ponce.

Los Tiempos Pasados, whose name means 'Ages Past,' has been recreating
early music for modern audiences since 1972. The ensemble's unique sound
derives from its varied assortment of both early and modern instruments,
including flutes, mandolins, guitars, tambourines, lutes, dulcimers,
fidulas, and drums.

More information about the concert can be found at