Edward Ashbee & Ma. Elena Labastida
The University of Texas at Dallas, Jonsson 4.614
5:00 p.m., February 27, 2008, Richardson, TX. U. S.
The Politics, Economics, and Culture of Mexican - U.S. Migration: Both Sides of the Border
Co-sponsored by the UTD School of Political, Economic and Policy Sciences and the UTD School of Arts and Humanities
Dr. Edward Ashbee is an Associate Professor at the Center for the Study of the Americas in the Copenhagen Business School of Denmark in the Department of International Culture and Communication Studies. His field of expertise includes the study of the United States of America, including the publication of books and articles on subjects such as political, social and economic conditions of the country: cultural and moral trends, elections, candidates and voting, ethnic and racial issues, parties and interest groups, religion and politics, etc. and has a deep interest in the use of politics and public administration in the U.S. foreign policy.
His recent articles and books include 'The same-sex marriage debate in the US and representations of Scandinavia', Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 3:2, Autumn 2005, 159-77; 'Moral dilemmas in Britain and the United States', AngloFiles [Medlemsblad for Engelsklærerforeningen for Gymnasiet & HF], 138, November 2005, 40-45; 'The Supreme Court', Politics Review, 15:1, September 2005, 30-3; 'Orkanens efterdønninger', Weekendavisen, September 9th-15th 2005; 'The 2004 presidential election, 'moral values', and the Democrats' dilemma', The Political Quarterly, 76:2, April 2005, 209-217; 'US presidential election 2004', Politics Review, 14:3, February 2005, 14 - 17; 'Al Sharpton, the 2004 presidential election, and black politics', American Studies in Scandinavia, 2004, 36:2, 35-48; 'The 2004 election and the Bush administration's two "conversations"', Samfundsøkonomen, Danmarks Jurist- og Økonomforbund, 4, October 2004, 11 - 19; US Politics Today - 2nd edition, (2004), Manchester University Press; and 'Domestic issues and the 2004 election', FHH: Foreningen af Historielærere ved Handelgymnasiet, 49, September 2004, 22-29. His most recent research project focuses on the debate of Mexican - U.S. migration and its political, economic, and cultural implications (http://www.palgrave-usa.com/catalog/product.aspx?isbn=1403984948).
Maria Elena Labastida Tovar was born in Mexico City and is a Ph.D. student in the Public Policy and Political Economy Program at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD). In addition, she is a candidate for the interdisciplinary Ph.D. in political economy and political science at the University of Geneva in Switzerland, where she is completing a dissertation on the antidumping policies in the European Union and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). She holds a Master's degree in international relations with a specialty in political science from the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva. In 2004 she received a second Master's degree in economics and political European studies from the European Institute of the University of Geneva. She received her B.A. in international relations from the New World University in Mexico City. Labastida's research work includes dispute settlement mechanisms employed by the World Trade Organization and in regional trade agreements as well as research on non-documented Mexican workers in the United States. "The Impact of NAFTA on the Mexican-American Border" is the title of her chapter that will be published by Palgrave-Mcmillan at the end of 2007, in the book entitled The Politics, Economics and Culture of Mexican-US Migration: Both Sides of the Border. In addition, her current research is focused on Public Choice Theory and the Antidumping Policies of the World Trade Organization, the European Union, NAFTA and developing countries.
Official Website: http://www.utdallas.edu/research/cusms/ls.htm