The Usual Suspects Songwriter Showcase returns to 50 Mason Social House for this special holiday edition. Come out and help us celebrate! Show #11 features:
Tom Rhodes
Some musicians spend their whole life searching for answers through their music that they never seem to find. Tom Rhodes is not that type of person, he answers the questions that he poses in his music giving even the darkest subjects a light at the end of the tunnel. Tom began his songwriting career at the age of 14 in the Washington D.C. area by writing songs that were used by local bands made of up players twice his age. By 16 he was a full time musician playing shows up and down the east coast. Finally coming into his own when he moved to New York City in 2003 he was one of the leading players in the burgeoning independent music scene in Williamsburg, Brooklyn that culminated in his lead roll in the now infamous Whiskey Breath songwriter collective. Tom has traveled and played music all across the United States and Europe. He recorded and produced his first self titled album in 2004 and had two subsequent self produced albums, No Apologies in 2006, and his newest release Better Son. In 2006 No Apologies was selected by Paste Magazine as one of best independent albums of the year, and in 2008 he landed licensing deals with CBS, WGN, and with a number of independent films. Tom now lives in the Bay Area where he writes and records in his home studio. You can find his newest songs online almost as soon as they are written, giving him a sort of ongoing dialog with his fan base around the world.
Chelsea Coleman
Chelsea Coleman, singing-songwriting machine, was raised in a house that had a ‘piano room’ by parents who painted pictures and played folk songs. She was never not surrounded by good art, and she never had dreams that weren't extraordinary. She has many passions, some have come and gone- she farmed organic vegetables, she roasted coffee, she helped catch babies born in bedrooms, she sold fruit, she builds fine furniture, but the one that has been with her all her life is music. It is like an organ (no pun intended) inside her body, like her heart or lungs, that she’d probably die without and almost did (she might be exaggerating). She got her start in the church halls of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and through a long series of adventures ended up in the great city of Berkeley, California which she now calls home. Her heart, brain, and hands work hard, waking and sleeping, to bring you pleasing, intriguing, honest music.
Owen Roberts
Berkeley based singer songwriter Owen Roberts writes, records and tours as both as a solo artist and as front man in Shady Maples. Shady Maples' debut 2012 release Unfold has been called "explosive... stripped-down, acoustic-based blues with elements of Latin, Americana and even reggae." (NBC San Diego) With the support of their friends and fans through a Kickstarter fundraising campaign, Owen and co-producer Greg Peters wrote, arranged, road-tested, recorded at Berkeley's Fantasy Studios, and released the album independently. In 2007 Owen released Bay to Maples, a collection of songs he had written while living in Tivoli and Brooklyn, NY and produced with long time friend Yair Evnine. The Monterey County Weekly describes it as "a gritty, folksy acoustic melange that manages an edgy side."
Alex Jimenez
Host Alex Jimenez has been playing music since his parents bought him his first guitar when he was 12. His music has dark acoustic overtones, heavy on the rhythm, and influenced by bands such as Blue Movie, Ride and Live. But you can also hear the country and folk influences in his playing. It’s this blend of styles, beautiful guitar melodies and pounding rhythms that give his music a unique yet familiar sound. March 2012 saw the release of his first album, a duet with drummer Mark Edgar called 'The Acoustik Projekt', and he is eagerly writing and getting tracks together for his second solo outing.
Alex is honored to be a part of a thriving songwriter community here in the Bay Area, and is honored to share the stage with them monthly, through the Usual Suspects Songwriter Showcase.
This is an early show and music starts at 7pm!
No cover, 21+
Official Website:
Added by 200pockets on December 23, 2012