8900 Greeneway Commons, Suite 101
Louisville, Kentucky 40220

Registration for USTA Flex League opens April 1-17 at www.ustaflexleagues.com. The league offers players a new way to enjoy organized competition without the commitment to a specific schedule or team. It offers fun and competitive matches for players of all levels—from beginner to advanced. You play whenever it’s convenient for you—weekends, mornings, nights, even on your lunch hour! Whether you’re looking to play more matches, improve your skills, expand your social network, or stoke that competitive fire, Flex Leagues offer all that you want—and offer it all on your terms—and your time.

Weekly match play is arranged by you and your opponent based on your availability. The easy round robin format provides convenient competition for your tennis life based on individual skill level.

This league is open to ALL players. The season is from April 24 to June 12. For more information contact Sherri Crosby at kytennisgal@bellsouth.net or (502) 445-0370.

Official Website: http://www.kentuckytennis.com

Added by marycarrico on March 31, 2009

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