Gaining and keeping a competitive edge in Internet offerings has increasingly become a matter of continuously processing enormous volumes of data about users, user activities, Web sites, ads, and Web searches. There is gold in the mountain of data but it is often impossible to extract in time to make use of it if you are constrained to a single (albeit powerful) computer or database. Hadoop ( ) is open source software for creating a cluster of commodity computers from one node to several thousand nodes in size and internally managing petabytes of data. It provides a simple interface for attaching user-written code to be executed in parallel on some or all of the nodes in the cluster. As an option to creating your own Hadoop cluster, there are Hadoop AMIs (Amazon Machine Images - virtual machines) that allow you to create and run Hadoop programs on Amazon's EC2 infrastructure.
Rob will talk about what Hadoop is, options for writing programs that run on a Hadoop cluster, and Yahoo use cases where Hadoop has proved beneficial in dealing with very large data volumes.
Rob Weltman has been Director of Engineering in Enterprise Software at Netscape, Chief Architect at AOL, and Director of Engineering for Yahoo's data warehouse technology. He is currently Director of Grid Services at Yahoo.
Gourmet dinner and wine are included.
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Added by FullCalendar on January 22, 2009