Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogging - all great ways to have fun and stay connected with friends and colleagues. But there's a lucrative side to these social media sites too. In various surveys, more than 80% of B2B buyers like to find their vendors online. Over 93% of Americans online expect companies to have a social media presence.
Position2, experts in the field of SEO and social media, with a wide variety of B2B clients using social media and networking to increase profitability, joins OpSource to show you how to take advantage of one of the surest ways to generate leads.
Rajiv Parikh, CEO of Position2, will share with us:
* How social media is changing business
* Illustrative case studies of companies who have succcessfully utilized social media as a lead generator
* Practical guidance on how your company can use the fast growing medium of social media to drive leads for your business
* How to utilize specific social media marketing activities to reach your marketing and sales goals
* The latest trends and the most active sites
Save your spot by registering today at
Official Website: http://www.position2.com/events/12
Added by Position2 on October 14, 2008