From Anywhere in the U.S.
Any, Georgia

Many adults, including those faces in your congregation, might think Facebook is a medium loaded with photographs of people showing off their personal best. But, in reality, Facebook is one of the most popular social media tools on the Web with a reported 70 million active users who range from teenagers to corporate executives.

This number makes for a compelling audience. Professional Mojo has scheduled an online workshop to introduce your ministry to Facebook to help you cut to the chase and get you and your group off to the best start possible.

In this online workshop, you will learn:

--What social media is
--What Facebook is
--How Facebook can fit into your overall social media strategy
--Benefits of using Facebook
--How to get started on Facebook
--Pitfalls of engaging in Facebook
--Casestudies of churches leveraging Facebook and what we can learn from it

Official Website:

Added by Professional Mojo on July 2, 2009

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