Ecosystem service markets provide a pivotal link between people willing to pay for actions that improve and protect our environment and those who can take those actions. Oregon has nurtured creative thinking and environmental innovation and leadership for decades and is now poised to propel ecosystem service markets as a way to resolve some of our most challenging environmental problems while creating the economies that support the people doing it.
Speaker, David Primozich serves as Executive Director of the Willamette Partnership - a coalition of stakeholder leaders working to increase the pace, scope, and effectiveness of conservation. The Partnership is currently developing the tools and policies needed to make ecosystem service markets work to achieve our ecological goals. David has worked on natural resource policy and planning projects since 1998. Prior to helping form the Willamette Partnership, he led production of the Willamette Subbasin Plan – a comprehensive, peer reviewed strategy to guide fish and wildlife conservation funding and project development in the Willamette Basin.
REGISTRATION: Register Online or Complete the Registration Form and return it with your credit card information or a check made payable to Oregon Natural Step Network for $35 ($25 Network members) to 720 SW Washington St, #800, Portland, OR 97205 by Friday, February 8th. To assure your place, registration is required. You can fax the form to (503) 227-2917, or register via phone (503) 241-1140. For further information contact the Network at (503) 241-1140 or
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Added by slozito on February 5, 2008