28 Buffalo Creek Road
Duncannon, Pennsylvania 17020

The Amethyst Spiritual Center of Duncannon Pennsylvania is sponsoring an event to introduce the teachings of Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi, a living Master on the Planet.

Sai Maa’s Master Teachers will be present to provide an experience and activation of The Violet Flame – The Blue Flame and Sword of Archangel Michael –The White Christ Liquid Fire Substance. Participants will also receive the initiation to transmit pure light blessings, or diksha.

Optional Personal Sessions with Sai Maa’s Master Teachers will be available following the event.
For more information or to register for the event and/or personal sessions, go to www.humanityinunity.org.
Sat after program: Personal Session (optional), $144
Space is limited so please register ahead or contact us to assure your place. at amethystspiritualcenter@gmail.com

Added by AMMatula on February 6, 2010

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