USGBC - Inland Empire Chapter
March Membership Meeting
Registration and Networking begins at 5:30 pm
Program begins at 6:00 pm
Hors D' Oeuvres and Refreshments Provided
Special Presentation By:
Cesar Rios, Owner/Marketing Director
Louis Ippolito, C&D Waste Consultant
"Construction and Demolition
Waste Management in the Inland Empire"
MACTEC is a construction and demoliton waste management company with locations in Riverside and Coachella Valley. They have served the construction waste industry since 1972. In 2006, MACTEC opened their CDI, (Construction/Demolition/Inert), facility which now processes and diverts over 100,000 tons of construction waste from landfills each year.
This presentation will detail why MACTEC made the shift from a disposal to a diversion company in 2006. The presenters will detail the process and venefits of construction waste diversion in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties now and in the future.
Organized by USGBC-Inland Empire Chapter
MISSION: "To promote sustainable strategies and responsibility for the Inland Empires environmental legacy and built environment, fostering a healthy, prosperous and improved quality of life."
Ticket Info: - USGBC-IE Member, $10.99
- USGBC-IE NON-Member, $15.99
- USGBC-IE Emerging Green Builder (EGB)/Student, $5.99
- USGBC-IE Member, (will pay at the door), Free
- USGBC-IE NON Member, (will pay at the door), Free
- USGBC-IE Member EGB/Student, (will pay at the door), Free
Official Website: http://usgbc-inlandempire032509-upcoming.eventbrite.com