U.S. Green Building Council-Hawaii Chapter
2009 Announcement Event
The U.S. Green Building Council is a 501(c)(3) non-profit community of leaders working to make green buildings accessible to everyonewithin a generation.Individuals who want to become involved with green building on a local level in Hawaii can join the USGBC Hawaii Chapter. Chapters arethe local voice of USGBC, and chapter members are key to raising awareness about green building. Chapter membership also providesexcellent networking opportunities, the chance to serve on committees, and chapter member-rate discounts on chapter events.The Hawaii Chapter is in its early stages and needs members to get involved to help transform Hawaii into the most sustainable state. Aswe grow we plan to hold monthly meetings and/or events for our members, hold more LEED workshops and eventually establish LEED UserGroups.
We need you to get involved and help us make this happen.
Thursday, March 19th, 2009 5:30-7:30pm
Pearl Honolulu - Ho'okipa Terrace, 3rd Level
Ala Moana Center - Honolulu, Hawaii
The USGBC Hawaii Chapter invites you to celebrate a great start of 2009 with us. It is a time to meet with your new board of directors, and the committee members who work hard to keep the Hawaii Chapter growing strong. Also, it is a great opportunity to reconnect with the current members and to meet with some new faces coming from the neighbor islands. Please join us for a fun and informative 2009 Hawaii Chapter Announcement Event!
Hawaii Chapter UPDATE and green building NETWORKING
dress code
casual business
meeting overview
networking (pupus + drinks at no-host bar)
introduce 2009 new board of directors and new committee chairs
committee chair briefings
whats coming in 2009 for the Hawaii Chapter
national 2009 update
upcoming events
networking (pupus + drinks at no-host bar)
event parking
free self-parking in the mall parking garage or valet parking at the Pearl
Transportation for neighbor island members: Shuttles will be provided for pickup and drop-off between HNL Airport and Pearl. Please refer to the chapter website www.usgbchawaii.org or contact Jason Medema at
JMedema@chpmaui.com for detailed information.
chapter membership
to easily join the Hawaii Chapter go to www.usgbc.org and click on chapters.
Organized by USGBC Hawaii ChapterThe USGBC Hawai`i Chapter's mission is to be a coalition of leaders working in the spirit of Ho`oponopono, to promote ecological stewardship and leadership across the building industry through sustainable planning, design, and construction.
Ticket Info: - Chapter Members, Free
- Non Chapter Members, $10.99
- Donation for $10.-, $10.99
- Donation for $20.-, $20.99
- Donation for $35.-, $35.99
Official Website: http://usgbc-upcoming.eventbrite.com