1740 North First Street
san jose, California 95112

Do you want to have full control of your IRA or 401(k) account? Do you want to invest your retirement funds in real estate or in other alternative investments? Are you ready, willing, and able to take control and directly manage your own retirement funds?
NOW is the time to take control and protect your financial future. Remember that no one—no one—will take care of your money as well as you!

Take advantage of great investment opportunities in real estate, tax liens, private businesses, and much more! Gain control of your retirement funds!

Learn How to:

*Diversify your retirement portfolio!
*Access your retirement funds to invest however YOU want, when you want!
*Make investments quickly without delay!
*Make investment decisions without requiring custodian consent!
*Save on high annual custodian fees.
*Enjoy tax benefits generated by using a Self-Directed IRA LLC

Register Here:


Added by Marshall Reddick Real Estate Net on November 1, 2011